Why should I journal?

There is a lot of evidence on the impact of journaling  and the evidence points to how effective it is in helping people identify and accept their emotions, manage their stress, and ease mental health symptoms. It has even been shown to impact physical well-being.

 There are studies that suggest journaling can strengthen the immune system, drop blood pressure, help you sleep better, and generally keep you healthier.

Can journaling help manage depression?

Yes. Journaling has been shown to be effective in helping people manage their depression.

Journaling is no substitute for professional guidance when the depression is severe, but it can complement other forms of treatment or act as a stand-alone tool for those with mild depression.

What about journaling for anxiety?

Journaling can also help people who are suffering from anxiety. In fact, compared to many other aims when journaling, it is extremely well-suited to helping you deal with anxiety.

Why is it so beneficial for Anxiety?

According to psychologist Barbara Markway,

“There’s simply no better way to learn about your thought processes than to write them down.”

Journaling is instrumental in helping us identify our negative self-talk and get to the root of our anxiety.

One of the biggest aspects of journaling that makes it so effective is that writing in your journal can be an important habit that helps you focus your energy and attention on where it will be most effective.

You can’t fix everything in your life all at once, and trying to start good habits and stop bad habits in the span of a day will likely lead to failure.

But changing one important habit will have ripple effects that improves your life and gets you closer to your goals in other areas as well.

Journaling is one of those habits. It can keep you centered, help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, and give you an opportunity for reflection. 

Simply keeping a record of your thoughts, feelings, and actions can have a surprisingly big impact on your life.

Make journaling a daily habit, and watch your life change.

If you’re feeling pulled to start or restart a journaling practice but don’t know where to start… then why not join us in The Butterfly Club, where you will receive guided journal pages every month and online connection to help keep you accountable. 

If you’re ready, join our Waitlist or Subscribe. We’d love to have you join us! 

Much love,

Jennifer xoxo